Gel Genie - Easily Have a Great Looking Gel Manicure At Home with this Product

A lot of women prefer gel nail polish and manicure as they look great and are much more durable compared to conventional nail polish but the problem is that they can be quite expensive to get at salons. If you are looking for a way to apply gel nail polish at home that is easy to do and is effective as well then Gel Genie™ is the product that you should use. As seen on, the GelGenie set come with different colors so you should be able to find one that fits your desired look best. To apply, simply pick the Gel Genie color that you want and then shake the container thoroughly. Then, simply apply the Gel Genie polish onto your nails like you would conventional nail polish. Once the application is done, you then turn on the Gel Genie's UV Light and shine it onto the nail polish for a few minutes in order for it to cure. The Gel Genie's formula features the primer, top coat and primer mixed together which not only gives your nail polish a vivid color but also gives it a great shine. Also, thanks to the amazing gel formula, you are guaranteed that you will have a great looking nail polish on your finger nails for up to 3 weeks and that the polish can also effectively resist chipping, cracking and breaking so you can go out with the confidence that your nails look great thanks to the Gel Genie. Use the links below to find the best offer on Gel Genie™.
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