If you own a large yard, you're very familiar with the large amount of work that goes into maintaining your property to make it look great. Now you can cut days from your yard work and eliminate back-breaking work with the
Cyclone Rake®, the lawn vacuum that sweeps and mulches your lawn in one easy pass. If you're used to classic power lawn mower attachments, you'll find this rake to be a Godsend. Simply attach the unique, jackknife-free trailer to the back of your riding lawn mower, and let the Cyclone Rake multiply your suction power by 10 times or more! Powered by its own engine and vacuum mulching system, Cyclone Rake parts from the competition by turning even the thickest, overgrown fields into fairway-like lawns of beauty. As seen on www.cyclonerake.com, the secret to CycloneRake is in its innovative Jet Path system, which represents three major improvements over other lawn vacuums. First, it features an enormous flow capacity through an 8-inch diameter intake - offering 77% more flow than classic lawn vacuum hoses. Second, the Jet Path system incorporates an incredibly short flow path from your mower deck to the collector for little resistance and less chances for clogs. Third, a smooth collector tube and aerodynamics ensure that your yard debris gets off the grass and into the collector quickly and easily every time. Just ask for the opinions of other Cyclone Rake owners - review after review agrees, nothing gets your hard in great shape faster. You'd need an entire crew of workers or several days of back-breaking labor on your own to do the job that CycloneRake can do in a single afternoon. Need to get to hard-to-reach places? The included pick-up power vacuum gives you 3,000 square feet of reaching power for flower beds and other areas you can't drive you mower over. Perhaps best of all, Cyclone Rake makes unloading quick and easy - simply back it up to your unloading spot, lift the collection unit like a dump truck, and drive away. Gravity does the work! Even better, the power unloader acts like a snowblower to shoot collected debris deep into the woods, into a compost bin, or even over a wall so it's out-of-sight. Save your time, save your back, and save your money - with the powerful Cyclone Rake lawn vacuum and mulching system
Use the links below to find the best deal on Cyclone Rake®.