Dreamy Time Turtle is the ideal pet pillow that will calm down your child and put him to sleep joyfully. It will marvelously illuminate your child's room with stars and your baby will be so mesmerized by what is happening. This pet pillow astonishingly appeases your little toddler and puts him or her to sleep with attractive looking stars. It glows with rainbow colors. In order to let your baby witness this fascinating sight, all what has to be done is turn off the lights and push the child suitable buttons. Doing this will instantly activate all the fabulous features of The Dreamy Time Turtle like the shining stars, great looking guardian angels and the ever glowing moon. The colors will come out from their hiding place and create a scintillating fantasy land. The next button plays soft piano music that sounds like sluggish sea waves. By using this awesome pet pillow, your baby won't be frightened when he or she wakes up at night. As seen on, the Dreamy Time Turtle is the consummate night light that unbelievably changes colors and shuts down by itself after one hour. It is a terrific pet pillow because it gives your baby the much needed tranquility and it makes your toddler feel extremely comfortable.
Use the links below to find the best deal on Dreamy Time Turtle.