BaNoodle™ is the plastic bag that ties strongly any plastic bag that is filled with food such as bread, chips and other food stuff. It ties and seals your food to keep it longer and more fresh..This bag clip ties any plastic bag strongly. The secret of the Ba'Noodle is because it is very flexible , high-strength core and bendable coating that keeps your chips and bread in good condition for a long time. The bag clip fits any plastic bag whether big or small and it will tie up the bag so tightly to prevent any spills. TheBaNoodle is very useful for cereal because it keep the crunch in and keeps out the stale. This is done by just rolling and bending it. This bag clip can be used for other foods like cold cuts and veggies. By using Ba'Noodle you can seal the cheese with ease and also frozen food to secure it from freezer burns. This bag clip is a sure for protection from grease and bugs .One thing nice about BaNoodle, is that it is airtight and water tight. It can be used for packed lunches and for picnics. This bag clip is dishwasher safe..If you purchase this clip bag you get two BaNoodle ten pack sets.
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